
About Us

Started by people who spent their entire careers revolving around everything technology. People who have had several successful implementations across a broad spectrum of building applications from ground up for various domains. This brings us a unique perspective on what works and what doesn’t and provide the optimal implementation for the solution.

What we do

What We Do

We are solutions people. What does this mean? We do everything revolving around providing tech based solutions and are passionate about it! Most of our talented team members worked on at least two to three different specific tech driven technologies for at least 4-17 years. What this translates to is our team is technology agnostic while bringing considerable depth in multiple technologies. Being focused on the business requirements, we bring expertise that enables business without being dependant on technology, platform etc.

Our Approach

Akalma technologies believes that the development models we incorporate have a high impact on the project that is carried out; and also determines which planning, development or test techniques to use. In order to meet the functionality, delivery schedule, cost efficacy and achieve effective project management, our software development framework is smartly chosen to match project expectations.
We implement the Iterative and Agile models through distinct phases, comprising a series of activities, aimed at shorter delivery time. We make sure that every requirement of a project is defined, identified, and the entire architecture and design aspect is attended to thoroughly. Our aim has always been to deliver higher business value and the best of software services through our practices and industry-standard methodologies.

Our Approach


Cloud Based Solutions

Cloud Based Solutions

Application Development

Application Development

Brand Consulting

Brand Consulting

Design Services

Design Services

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Progressive Mobile Apps

Progressive Mobile Apps

Cloud Based Solutions

Micro services architecture driven development in java, spring boot.

Application Development

Enterprise application using Jee6 and wildfly servers.

Brand Consulting

End to end client interface applicaiton design and development in ReactJS/ReactNative and angular.

Design Services

Adobe XD based client focused prototype design to enhance user experience & development productivity

Digital Marketing

Cloud deployment in AWS, Azure and Cloudstack

Progressive Mobile Apps

Micro service management using ECS and kubernetes

Design Services

Scripting cloud functions using nodejs and python

Digital Marketing

Database expertise in SQL DB Mysql, MSSQL. NoSql DB DynamoDb, MongoDB. Graph DB -- TinkerPop based AWS Neptune and Neo4J

Cloud Based Solutions

Customer Care Applications

Application Development

Campaign Management Applications

Brand Consulting

Contact Management Applications

Design Services

Learning Management Systems with Practical Labs

Digital Marketing

Customized e-commerce Applications

Progressive Mobile Apps

Website Design / Development


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